An attempt to not live by bread alone, but by every Word which comes down from above - especially the portions assigned for the day from Treasury of Daily Prayer.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
October 27 - again what others are saying
a year ago, I suggested people read what Pr. Weedon wrote about today's readings. That's still good advice.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
October 26 - Matthew 18 prayer
O Lord, out of the mouth of babes and infants You have established strength because of Your foes, to still the enemy and the avenger. Your Son bids children to come to Him, for the kingdom of God belongs to them. Let us not despise children but be prepared to bring parents and children to baptismal instruction, catechesis, and the very Word of God, that they may read, mark, and learn of Jesus, their Savior.
(from "Let Us Pray" email for October 24 - based on Luke 18, but applicable here.)
(from "Let Us Pray" email for October 24 - based on Luke 18, but applicable here.)
Saturday, October 23, 2010
October 23 - Deuteronomy 24-25
God's mercy for the poor and disadvantaged as expressed in this section of Deuteronomy's Law is good to read on the day of St. James of Jerusalem. But my mind wandered to how God was preparing in advance for the good works done in Ruth's day. Boaz had this Law guiding his farming, therefore Ruth and Naomi did not starve, therefore Boaz not only became Ruth's kinsman-redeemer, but this union also eventually led to the birth of David - and far more importantly, the birth of the Son of David, the Christ, the Son of the living God, who became poor for our sakes that we might become rich.
Friday, October 22, 2010
October 21 - Deuteronomy 20
I've been thinking along the lines of smallness and weakness lately as I see numbers and strength dwindling, so as I read Deuteronomy 20, I saw more than just rules for how Israel would fight its wars. I saw the new Israel, being opposed by Satan's army with the powerful weapons of unbelief and lies and true accusations of our own betrayals of the Lord. The enemy forces are larger than we are as the Church. We are outmanned and outgunned. On earth is not his equal. But for us fights the Valiant One. Therefore, "you shall not be afraid of them, for the LORD your God is with you, who brough you up out of the land of" your slavery to sin (Deuteronomy 20:1). David vs. Goliath wasn't the only "David vs. Goliath" battle Israel (Old or New) faced/faces.
I am thinking it is worth looking at the vocation of pastor in light of the priest's task before battle, telling the congregation that the LORD goes ahead of them in their week, in their life, to give them the victory as they struggle not against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual forces of evil. In this way, those nearing death can speak as confidently as Moses ("When [not if] the LORD your God gives it into your hand..." verse 13) and Paul (2 Timothy 4:7 - "I have fought the good fight... there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that Day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved His appearing.")
I am thinking it is worth looking at the vocation of pastor in light of the priest's task before battle, telling the congregation that the LORD goes ahead of them in their week, in their life, to give them the victory as they struggle not against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual forces of evil. In this way, those nearing death can speak as confidently as Moses ("When [not if] the LORD your God gives it into your hand..." verse 13) and Paul (2 Timothy 4:7 - "I have fought the good fight... there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that Day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved His appearing.")
Lord Jesus Christ, clothe us, we pray, with the whole armor of God that we may stand firm in every assault and never lose sight of Your victory on our behalf at the cross and empty tomb. Amen. (The Lutheran Study Bible, pg. 310.)btw, having read through TDP a time or two now, as I've repeatedly come across the writings by Valerius Herberger, I've gone from "Wow, that was good," to "Who is this guy?!?!?!?" In case you've shared similar thoughts check out this blog post on this new book from CPH.
Monday, October 18, 2010
October 18 - St. Luke
Thank You, O God, for the beloved physician St. Luke, whose Gospel shows the Healer of the nations who shares our woes. (HT: Horatio Bolton Nelson, LSB 518, st. 26)
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Sermon for Oct 17 - Luke 18:1-8 illustrated by Psalm 13
The Lord tells the parable of the persistent widow for the same reason that He inspired David to write down Psalm 13 – “to the effect that [we] ought always to pray and not lose heart.” Daily frustrations make it so easy to lose heart, to give up on the struggle. Your disappointment over things going wrong spills over into angry words and actions towards innocent bystanders – like the guy who kicks the dog when he gets home from work because he can’t kick the boss who wronged him.
Naturally we think the best thing to do is to swallow our pride and our anger, pretend it’s not there – better than dumping on God. Yet it might surprise you that in fact God invites you to dump your frustrations and anxieties on Him – to admit to them and pray for Him to save you from the wrong done to you. That is the way of faith, to stop lying about how you are doing and instead be open and honest with God. So you try to pray, but the evil problems remain. Worse yet, we see the Lord answering other people’s prayers speedily. Those ten lepers last week cried out to Jesus for mercy and got to go back healed to their families that very day! When you do not see any change for the better, it can feel like prayer has become useless. As if God is deaf, or at least refusing to hear you. Prayer exercises our patience. You are talking to the Lord for whom a day is like 1000 years, and 1000 years like a day. This might take a while [HT: William Cwirla].
The Lord knows that impatience tempts us to respond horribly with “false belief, despair and other great shame.” Concerned about this danger, Jesus wonders out loud if He will find faith on earth when He will come to be our judge. To make sure there is faith on that Day, Christ teaches us not to lose heart when dumping our complaints on God – using the parable of the persistent widow crying out for justice and using Psalm 13 – and at least 40 other psalms and parables like these. Take a look at prayers in the Bible and you will find you are not alone in feeling like God is not paying attention.
That is exactly were David is at. You know David, the man after God’s own heart and the King of great faith. In Psalm 13 his faith does not sound so strong as he confronts the God who seems to be ignoring David’s troubles, like an unrighteous judge who does not respect the innocent. “How long, O LORD? Will You forget me forever? How long will You hide Your face from me?” (Psalm 13:1). This is a prayer of never-ending hopelessness and eternal hope at the same time. That may seem strange to have both of those going on in the same Psalm, but that is the way it is with us. Each Christian has sinfulness and holiness going on inside of us side by side. Our thoughts are always going to be strange mixes of pure and impure motives until that Day our Lord purifies and perfects us in Paradise.
Overwhelmed by earthly troubles, David feels abandoned, with no Divine direction. “How long must I take counsel in my soul?” (13:2). Hopelessness turns to desperation as he demands God’s attention. “Consider and answer me, O LORD my God!” (13:3). David feels like he is on the brink of death. And that tragedy would make his enemies happy, as if they were right to make David miserable.
Psalm 13 could be prayed by anyone who has suffered loss – and you all have, some losses more serious than others. Lost health, lost income, possessions and reputation, lost family members and friends. The thought of never being able to get back what was lost can devastate even the strongest people. The pain leads to asking David’s question. How long? Will God make me suffer the rest of my life? Will I ever get life back to normal? We get caught in a tug of war between our hearts and minds - our hearts wanting to go back to the way life used to be, our brains knowing that will never happen again.
But remember that Psalm 13 is a prayer of hopelessness AND hope. Hope that comes from faith. The faith that always receives the strength and mercy that Christ gives. In faith, we trust that everything that happens is under the Lord’s control – that God works all things together for the good of His people, as Romans 8:28 teaches. All things – even the losses and frustrations we suffer, God will turn around to be a blessing in His time. For as much as Psalm 13 demands that God quit hiding and start listening, this prayer still trusts that there is love in God’s heart – a steadfast love, a mercy that endures forever. It can be nothing but mercy, as you consider the Ten Commandments and all the things in your life that tell God you really do not love Him as much as you should, all the sins that anger Him, all your evil that according to strict justice would land you and me in Hell.
Yet God’s love for you is steadfast – it does not run hot and cold depending on how we deal with Him. His love does not treat us as our sins deserve, but has made “you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus” (2 Timothy 3:15) as you have listened to the sacred Scriptures. The judge in the parable did not want to be bothered by the widow. But the One who is your eternal and almighty Judge – He is so bothered that He goes to the Cross for you. God’s anger against our sin was done there. It is finished, so that eternal judgment can no more bring us to condemnation. The Son of Man who was on the cross to save us from our impatience, our anger and frustrations, our false belief and despair, the Son of Man who prayed for your faith on earth and now makes your prayers to be heard in Heaven, this same Son of Man will be our judge at the end of time. When we stand before the Lord, then it will be clear how tenderly and generously He has brought you through all these dark times when it all goes wrong. We will then see God’s delays, when it looked at the time like He did not care, are really part of His wanting your good – or working for the good of others around you, giving you stronger faith in preparation for larger salvation gifts.
When David first wrote Psalm 13, he knew his opponents were happy to see David hurt. But, at some unknown day in the future, David’s “heart shall rejoice in [God’s] salvation” (13:5). Even though the vindication might not be the way he imagined God would save him, David trusts God’s plan for rescue from his despair is the best. This turns the Psalm from desperate, hopeless cries to grateful praise. Before he says his “Amen,” God has changed David as he knows the answer is in God’s steadfast love and goodness.
That is where all our prayers find their strength – trusting in God’s promises that He is good and merciful. Prayers are not strong because we get them prayed tons of times, pestering God until He listens. Jesus in today’s Gospel does teach us to pray often – but not because that will make God pay more attention. Prayer is not the same as calling God on the phone and letting it ring and ring and ring until He gets annoyed and answers. Instead, continuing in prayer is an expression of our continuing trust in God. Despite any and all appearances of God being deaf to us and caring little for us, continuing prayer shows we know the Lord’s mercy – that He will do good for us though we do not deserve it.
The same faith David had in God’s gracious promises is the same faith that God gives to each of us in our Baptism. That’s why we rejoice like David did in God’s salvation. Because “it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom” (Luke 12:32), the Lord has come into this world as the Son of David. Jesus Christ never once lost heart, but perfectly feared God and respected man all the way to the Cross. Before His death, He prayed that God would forgive sinners and remove the cup of suffering from Christ. And it turned out that it was God’s will to remove that cup and give His innocent Son justice – though the answer to Christ’s prayer came after a delay of three days done for your good. But then suddenly, in a twinkling of an eye things changed as the darkness of Christ’s tomb was scattered by the light of Easter Day. Justice was done as the Christ who was murdered is alive again. All the sorrows, losses, angers and frustrations this world threw at Jesus – God the Father saved His Son from them all. And, in the end you will sing to the LORD, for He will do the same for you. Amen.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Oct 9 - Responsory
Oh, fear the Lord, you His saints, for those who fear Him have no lack!
Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.
Send out Your light and Your truth; let them lead me!
Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.
It's nice how the responsory today sings the faith of the Scripture readings. Lest we forget God and His merciful goodness, it reminds us that we have no lack because He has given to us all the physical blessings we have (Deuteronomy 8). You have no lack because the Father who numbers the hairs on your head values you more than many sparrows (Matthew 10:30ff). You have no lack because He has sent out His light and truth through those who acknowledged Him before men - before YOU - and you have received Christ through them. You have no lack, because though your skin will be destroyed, yet in your flesh you will see God - as the Righteous One, Jesus Christ was destroyed in both body and soul on the Cross and rose again so that you could be led to receive the Righteous One's reward at the Last Day's resurrection.
Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.
Send out Your light and Your truth; let them lead me!
Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.
It's nice how the responsory today sings the faith of the Scripture readings. Lest we forget God and His merciful goodness, it reminds us that we have no lack because He has given to us all the physical blessings we have (Deuteronomy 8). You have no lack because the Father who numbers the hairs on your head values you more than many sparrows (Matthew 10:30ff). You have no lack because He has sent out His light and truth through those who acknowledged Him before men - before YOU - and you have received Christ through them. You have no lack, because though your skin will be destroyed, yet in your flesh you will see God - as the Righteous One, Jesus Christ was destroyed in both body and soul on the Cross and rose again so that you could be led to receive the Righteous One's reward at the Last Day's resurrection.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Oct 7 - Writing
the Luther quote for today on regarding death "as a deep, strong, and sweet sleep, to regard the coffin as nothing but paradise and the bosom of our Lord Christ, and the grave as nothing but a soft couch or sofa, which it really is in the sight of God" was referenced during our excellent Southern Illinois District Pastors' Conference by Rev. William Cwirla. Here are some of Rev. Weedon's gleaned thoughts on the conference.
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