My dear friend (and previous chiropractor) Jennifer's husband Derrick was in a terrible accident after the top of a tree fell on him, and is now in critical condition in a hospital in New Mexico. So the well known and cherished Philippians 4:4-7 really hit home for me today.
This is what I wrote in a comment on the Facebook page - and it applies nicely to the survivors in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey and Irma, and any personal disaster you (or someone you know) might be facing -
Verse 5 is so key to it all.
The Lord is at hand.
Why can we rejoice in the Lord always (v. 4), even at a dark time like this? How can we not be anxious (v 6)? How can we keep our disappointments from discouraging our praying with thanksgiving concerning our requests? Only because the Lord is present with us, uniting Himself to us with His peace that passes all our understanding.
He WILL guard our hearts and minds. And in such an uncertain time as this, it's great to have that piece of absolute, rock solid certainty.