Thursday, October 8, 2009

not alone

back from the EXCELLENT SID Pastors' Conference. I'm hoping that sermons will be posted so I can direct you to them - which were based on the TDP readings (so, as mentioned in the previous post, you were not alone in meditation on those Scriptures - you had a whole group of pastors praying them with you), and yesterday's upon both the Matthew text and Muhlenberg.
anyway, you know how it is when you're gone - the work piles up and you have about 6 days of work to do in two. I hope to post some thoughts on the conference, but it might not be until next week (if ever.)
btw, if you have The Lutheran Study Bible, check out the wording of the dedication page. very cool.



  1. Someone pointed that dedication page out to me - I agree: very cool indeed!

  2. Plus there's an order of dedication on the CPH Web site.
    Check it out:
