Monday, May 24, 2010

Today's Commemoration - Esther and the threads of Scripture

 Myrtle commented on seeing the threads of Scripture in regard to my previous post.  Today's Commemoration points to one I so often miss.  The book of Esther (ironic that her Hebrew name, Hadassah, means "myrtle"!) is a fine example of God working behind the scenes (no mention of His name in the whole book, if I remember correctly) - and behind the scenes is how He often works in our lives, guiding the course of history, even using the hot-and-cold emotions of a pagan king to save His people. 
But there is more saving going on here than just the Jews of Esther's generation.  Because if Haman had been successful, and all Jews had been exterminated, then God's promise that the Savior would be the Son of David could NEVER come true - which TDP points out "through Esther He preserved the Old Testament people through whom the Messiah would come" (pg 1299, and 373 - which has a writing on Esther from Luther, and an excellent prayer.)
Out of curiousity, anyone see how the Psalmody for the Monday after Pentecost is connected to the other two Readings?  Ironically, Psalm 128 will be studied tomorrow in Bible Class as we continue through Rev. Matt Harrison's Book of Joy (we're on the BB gun chapter.)

1 comment:

  1. Ah, well, I think it is one of those stretch moments...

    Psalm 128 speaks of the blessing of God for those who fear Him, which is a far greater blessing/honor than what Balak was offering in the passage from Numbers.

    Psalm 72, I think, is Christ, in that He is the king who will judge us righteous, so a contrast to the early king of Balak.

    Psalm 128 speaks of fruit, what shall be reaped from the harvest by the righteous man. In Luke, we read of the fruit of the vine that Christ gives us, His very body and blood, His forgiveness, because He is the righteous one. There is no greater harvest, no greater blessing than that.

    So, that's as far as I can stretch. Some days, even with your good teachings, I scratch my head.

    BUT I just love reading the Living Word, even when it is parsed in a manner I understand not. And I savor knowing that all these other Christians are out there reading the exact same Living Word as I. Sometimes I wonder how it will "not return void" in their lives, as well as mine. That is a promise to which I cling most fiercely.

    Yesterday, I was privileged to read the Book of Concord with my "new" little sister yesterday. I asked if she would read Part IV of the Large Catechism, since I had just trolled and found a most splendid sermon on holy baptism. Buried in Luther's blessed teaching is a snippet on the Living Word I just cherish:

    "This is all because of the Word, which is a heavenly, holy Word, which no one can praise enough. For it has, and is able to do, all that God is can can do." [LC, IV, 17-18]

    I love the double entendre there...the power of Scripture and that (based on the divine nature) of the One who is the Word.


    [Can you tell your query about asking who reads your blog spurned me to realize that I have not thanked you in the least for all of the riches you share? I praise God so often, thanking Him for the undershepherds He has set in the confessional Lutheran Church and for bringing me finally to a home after all those years of skewed teaching at best. While I have often thanked and encouraged the other pastors from whom I learn, I have failed to do so with you. Just because I am oft intimidated by how you see so many things I miss does not mean I should not reach out from time to time and thank you.

    So, Pastor Leistico, just so know favorite Treasury days are the ones where I get a reading assist from your blog!
