Friday, July 30, 2010

July 30 - 1 Samuel 15, What others are saying - Little in Your Own Eyes

all I can say to what The Sober Peasant writes today is, "Amen." Thank you, dear friend (and fellow Pr. James!)

On another topic, namely our shared name, last Sunday (July 25) was a vacation day for me. The pastor preached on the occassion of St. James the Elder's day. He had a great line that made me giggle internally, though no one else thought it was funny. "James received the same body and blood of Jesus that you receive." How redundant, my brain laughed - of course I receive the same as what I receive! But you know, my little moment of personal mirth led me to remember the pastor's intended point all week long. Maybe another local brother (Pr. Antonin Troup) has a point in his DMin thesis about the use of humor in preaching.

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