Saturday, April 28, 2012

Psalm 23

a slight departure from TDP-inspired posts...

While prepping for tomorrow's sermons, I could not get past the first verse.  "I shall not be in want."  There I was, sitting at my daughter's softball practice in my nice car - not the nicest car, mind you.  It is over 10 years old, makes some funny sounds, and one speed of the ac fan doesn't work.  But it is still nicer than the car my dad drove when I was growing up, and nicer than ANY car his dad ever had.  And I was reading from The Lutheran Study Bible, which again is nicer than any Bible they ever had.  And I was just overwhelmed by it all, that God would be so kind to me that I could afford the time and money for my daughter to spend this morning playing softball.  And all I could do was thank Him for His many benefits, providing more than all that I need for this body and soul, without any merit or worthiness in me.

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